Wednesday, 27 April 2022

Prof Gerard Parr MBE, UEA, on "Setting the Scene and Vision for the EPSRC DIGIT Lab Project"

Conference TFNetworkSpring22

Digital Transformation
 Conference overview 
 YouTube TFNetworkSummer21 Conference Playlist 

Date: 4th May 2022
10:15 - 10:30
11:30 - 12:15 Panel discussion "Research Challenges and Opportunities"

Gerard Parr holds the Full Chair in Telecommunications Engineering and is Head of School of Computing Sciences at the University of East Anglia (UEA). He holds a PhD in Self-Stabilising Protocols from Ulster University, aspects of which were completed with UCL and one of the founding Fathers of the Internet (Professor Jon Postel) as a Visiting Research Scientist at the DARPA/University of Southern California Information Sciences Institute in Marina Del Rey, Los Angeles. 

Within his academic career, areas of research include Wireless Sensor Clouds, Disaster Response Communications, ICT for the Rural Economy, delay-sensitive protocols and energy-aware autonomic networking and IoT-edge computing. 

He has attracted several £millions of external research and commercial funding and has advised governments on the allocation of funding to large-scale projects valued in total at approximately £3 billion. He was previously appointed as a Visiting Professor to the Science Foundation Ireland/CTVR at Trinity College Dublin and to the Emirates-BT Innovation Centre (EBTIC) at Khalifa University in Abu Dhabi- UAE. 

Presently Professor Parr is working on the development of the East of England Smart Emerging Technologies Institute- SETI (one of the recommendations from the UK BEIS Science Innovation Audit) with colleagues from Essex, Cambridge, UEA and BT Adastral. SETI will look at innovations in 5G, IoT, AI-Big Data/Cloud Computing and Testbeds across a number of sectors, including Energy, Intelligent Manufacturing, AgriTech and Smart-Supply Chains. 

Gerard was awarded an MBE in Queens New Year Honours for 2018 for contributions to Telecommunications Infrastructure in Northern Ireland. During January 2020 Prof Parr was elected to the Strategic Advisory Team for the (EPSRC) ICT Programme to assist with strategic developments and identification of funding priorities. Most recently Gerard has been successful in attracting Co-I funding for a 5-year EPSRC Next Stage Digital Economy Hub called DIGIT (Digital-Innovation-Growth-Impact-Transformation) valued over £12 million which will explore methodologies and business impact of Digital Transformation in Large Organisations. During 2021 Gerard was also successful as PI to attract £1.4 million funding for the “EPSRC UK-India Future Networks Initiative” with IISc Bangalore, IIT Delhi, UCL, Surrey, Southampton and BT.

Setting the Scene and Vision for the EPSRC DIGIT Lab Project 

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