Wednesday, 3 June 2020

Posters Galore: 'GAIUS: Powering hyperlocal content ad ecosystems for communities'

Arjuna Sathiaseelan
GAIUS Networks
Arjuna Sathiaseelan, GAIUS Networks 

The World Wide Web (WWW) is facing two critical issues:  
1. increasingly centralised with a few organisations controlling majority of users' data and hence global ad revenue.  
2. Centralised cloud infrastructures induces significant latency and performance issues for users in rural/remote areas with challenged backhaul - a misnomer for UK's 5G story.  

In this poster, I want to showcase the potential of building Decentralised Hyperlocal Web for communities in the UK using our GAIUS platform - a decentralised content ad exchange platform that can fully function at any edge. Each GAIUS server sits at the edge of a community (e.g. on the MEC) serving highly localised content and ads specific to a particular community. Users in a community can create, interact and transact with hyperlocal content through their mobile device. Businesses and organisations (e.g. schools, local government bodies etc) in a community can promote their product offerings and services within their own community. A major focal point of the GAIUS platform is that the data is governed and owned by the community.  

The GAIUS platform will demonstrate a new usecase for MEC: how operators can empower communities to create, interact and transact with hyperlocal content and ads at the operator's edge especially in rural areas. Apart from creating a new usecase (& potential revenue stream), GAIUS empowers operators to potentially fulfil their CSR requirements by supporting local community needs and facilitating local community engagement and social cohesion as well as addressing the major concern of data privacy 

View the poster here
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