Thursday, 26 March 2020

Keep your eyes peeled: Posters Galore for real

Following the cancellation of our conference we put our thinking hats on, of how we can get through those difficult times and making use of the fantastic Poster contributions we received.

The end game is: We will give the conference 'Creating Value for Economies: Collaborate - Innovate - Educate' another go in March 21. Most of our speakers have already committed their support, and with another year of planning - this conference will be unbeatable!

We will organise - let's hope it's going to happen - another conference in October tis year, on a hard core subject: 'Let's get Physical'. We'll leave you with this thought for now!

In the meantime it's Posters Galore!

The list of posters in our respective conference post from beginning of March is 20 long, and we plan to feature them here throughout the year. This is what Tommy Flowers Network is about: Connecting young researchers with their top level research to the world - in real life and virtually!

So, if you are not on this list, but would like to publish here on our blog - whether it's a whitepaper, poster, or a do a Thought Leadership event - please fill in this Formwize.

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